The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God
is the heart of a mother.
St. Therese of Lisieux
Upcoming Equipped Sessions
One Mama's Experience of Equipped
I feel like at a lot of parishes I’ve been to, so many ministries are missing, and I was struggling to feel connected in a church community during my first pregnancy. Everything seemed like it was for kids or old folks to me!
I remember praying “God, help me find Catholic mom friends!” and feeling like that was gonna be a stretch. Maybe He would give me some secular mom friends, or maybe my Catholic friends would find love, get married, and magically have kids super super quick, but I was blown away by God’s response: Equipped. I actually found out about Equipped through an online Facebook group about a year and a half ago, and it changed my life in so many ways. I am now the godmother of one of my friends made through Equipped, gotten play date pals who understand and share my desire for a “big Catholic family,” and even my convert husband has benefited because he’s been able to connect with great Catholic men through the double dates we’ve been on with the folks I met through this ministry!
All this to say - if you are pregnant or a new mama (or know one!) of a little one and feeling socially lost, scared, or uncertain, maybe consider this ministry like I did. It was truly one of the best gifts God has provided me in my adult life, and I felt like He was calling me to share that in case even one person feels like she resonates.
Shelbie Lopez